As an adopting employer of The Reno Sparks 401(k) Pooled Employer Retirement Plan, you’ll get corporate benefits at a reasonable cost while retaining the flexibility to design your own plan. Because FiduciaryxChange takes over as the Plan Administrator, as a business owner, you’ll have less work and less risk. Good news? Great news!
With reasonable plan pricing, more of your employees' money should be working for them. With an open architecture platform and professional advisors, your employees will have access to a variety of investment options. And with our combination of technology and service-first attitude, they’ll have access to help when they need it.
You can realize the benefits of being part of a PEP without losing flexibility. And we think that is especially true when it comes to the options within your plan. When well designed, your plan can play an integral part of a strategic compensation package for your employees. Your service team can help to individualize your plan design to meet your company’s objectives and help your employees prepare for retirement.
If you’re sponsoring your own plan, you may have a lot more risk than you know. By participating in the Reno Sparks 401(k) Pooled Employer Retirement Plan, you’re able to reduce that risk because you are not in the plan sponsor seat. Think of the Reno Sparks 401(k) Pooled Employer Retirement Plan as a risk management tool for you and your business —with the bonus of it being a benefit for your employees too. We see it as a win-win.
Doesn’t having less day-to-day administrative tasks sound heavenly? That’s what it can be like for adopting employers of the Reno Sparks 401(k) Pooled Employer Retirement Plan. You can outsource many of the operational tasks of running a retirement plan like approving distributions and loans, filing a Form 5500, overseeing an audit, or reviewing the investment menu. Leave the work to our team!
Does your current investment menu measure up? We use an “open architecture” platform that allows us to craft an investment menu from a large number of options and fund families.
We provide value by giving you more services and by keeping your plan fees low. We can leverage the plan’s size and efficient administration to negotiate prices and to access low-cost share classes.
While PEPs create an umbrella structure, under the umbrella, each company can do its own thing. That means we can help you customize your plan to meet your specific budget and business objectives. You can have all the benefits of a PEP structure without any downsides.
It’s not often that you can enjoy amazing customer service and smart and engaging systems and technology. We think we'll delight your employees with our online experience and customer support that will take the mystery out of investing for retirement.
There are just three easy steps to join the the Reno Sparks 401(k) Pooled Employer Retirement Plan. And, of course, throughout this process, you always have access to the expertise and support provided by your expert team.
Things start with a consultation on your plan design, which is done by Ameritas plan design professionals. They will review your corporate structure and provide specialist advice on both plan design and regulatory issues. They will then prepare your adoption agreement.
Now that your adoption agreement is complete, Ameritas will begin to implement your plan. They will be in contact to plan a communication strategy for your new retirement plan. This plan may include things such as on-site visits, webinars, and customized print and electronic materials.
If you have an existing retirement plan, we will begin the process of transferring it into the Ameritas PEP solution; Ameritas will work on collecting all necessary data from you and your prior provider. They will also need to obtain transfer approval, notify your participants, and re-invest your plan assets.